How To Get Back To Normal Life Post Covid?
Hopefully, Covid 19 will subside soon! But what will happen post Covid? Will we get back to normal life? Yes, but it would take a long time to transform our life and habits. Since we have been in a constant process of changing for a considerable period of time. How can we expect to simply jump back to the usual routine? Human beings take time to adapt changes and then we live in our comfort zone. Again going back to the hectic lifestyle may be little difficult. Most of the employees have been working from home and students are studying online. Lying on couch or bed for extended hours has become quite normal. Even our physiques are also into lethargic mode. We hardly want to move until it becomes really necessary. Let us talk about the children, who have been into entertainment mood for months rather it may count to years. They have forgotten the basics and do not wish to write these days. However, it is going to be a major issue once the schools will reopen. A gap of 2 or more aca...