
Showing posts from January, 2019

Blood Relations Are Blessings Or Curse 2

Miracles happen in this world! But who knows, when. When everyone loses hope, then the almighty appears from nowhere to help you with the ray of hope. It seems like God has written each word of destiny very carefully and balanced, when people get the results of their own deeds without any kind of delays or error. Though we would never understand the reasons and logic behind any such actions of God. We always keep the God in question, why everything wrong happens with me? While everyone was waiting for Shanky to come back in her senses normally. In reality, everyone has lost their hopes for looking her talk again like before. There occurs a stage in the life, when money doesn’t matter anything and everything at the same time. Her family members are not worried about the hefty amount of money, which is getting spent on her being alive. But they need to keep fuelling her life with a lot of money, since her condition was very worse. Her brother in the country has witnessed her uncons...

Court Of Law Not Justice 9

Time seems easy, till the time it occurs to you. No one wants to be trapped in the contrary situations. Still if it happens, you need to search for the best way to come out of the problems. By now, you must have got the fair idea of what she has been going through in quest to get justice. Actually, not even justice but again a compromise with her life. So that, she can at least breathe freely in her peaceful surroundings. At the moment, she became hopeless of receiving anything positive in her life. Specially from the court proceedings or her cases, as things were not at all moving as required. She felt that she is moving, at least. Though the path was unknown and uncertain, since the people who were standing with her visually were not serious about the results. For her lawyers (except one), they are not going to get anything from her case. No matter, what will be the outcome and when the case would end. For them, it was only a cheque  of the limited amount that they are going to...