New Chapter in the life 2

Things take time, when you plan changes in life. Sometimes, it takes ages. Maybe a complete life, for some people. I was living various lives in a particular environment, that is not imaginable for anyone. I was fighting for my own survival on different fronts, my home, court, police station and various other sites. Taking myself to next level of progress in order to earn at least the requirements of routine life. Looking after my kid and his demands. 

Simultaneously, fighting with my own self to make sure that I don't fail before winning. But, the duration of all the battles seems never ending. The more I was trying to get out of the situation sooner, the more I was getting stuck with other unthinkable things. I kept working like a machine, which has various parts. It has to do what is already saved for processing in the destiny. In addition to which, certain things are required to be taken care of every time. 

It sounds like a good work for someone to write and earn. However, for me both the situation were troublesome. When I got work, I have to manage while travelling, cooking, without sleeping or eating, but I had to do it. Research and writing for many days, in 5 watt CFL. That is not easy for anyone to do. If not getting the work, then feeling helplessness of situations. That too without many clients or much of the payments. 

The person who never bothered about spending a lot of money. Now, have to manage various levels to ensure that the ground level requirements are met. I got few other options, but I couldn't make it to reality. Writing has become an essential part of routine. I keep trying to find out how to complete the client's work, while running around for different reasons. 

Time never stops, so it kept on moving. However series of instances in my life didn't progress, even though I am trying to move quicker. Things keep going on, but no difference in the situation is visible. Struggling for any specific reason can be managed, but it should keep changing. I remain occupied with most of the nonsense unavoidable things. I could have done something better, but destiny balances everything according to its own laws and regulations........


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